Counselling Code : V I T B
Accredited by NAAC 'A+'(3.51 CGPA) & NBA

Electrical Electronics Engineering

Department of Electrical & ElectronicsEngineering (EEE) at VITB was started in the year 2008. The department is offering four-year B.Tech (EEE) programme with an intake of 60 students and a two-year M.Tech (Electrical Power Engineering) programme consisting of 12 seats. The department is currently having required number of faculty and strength of the department lies with its well qualified faculty from premier institutes like IIT's and NIT's.

Program Specialization Intake
UG - B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering 60
PG - M.Tech Electrical Power Engineering 12

The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering is one of the largest departments on the campus, comprising of students, faculty and technical staff. The broad spectrum of courses is taught by a group of highly-experienced faculty who are also researchers in their own areas. Well-equipped laboratories coupled with extensive practical work ensure the student receives a well-rounded education.

Electrical and Electronic engineers can enjoy lucrative national and international job prospects, as well as challenging, creative and rewarding long-term careers involving imagination, innovation and teamwork.


  • Students from EEE are regular participants in the projects of Assistive Technology Lab.
  • Department has experienced and dedicated faculty with a good background in teaching.
  • Department organizes regular seminars and expert lectures from industry as well as from institutions to mould the students into excellent Engineers.
  • Department Organizes National level workshops / Expert Lectures at regular intervals on various Technical Events.
  • Continuous upgrading of infrastructure facilities.
  • Industrial Training at Various reputed Organizations such as BHEL, SRISAILEM Power Plant, Vizag Steel Plant, Dr.NTTPS, Electric LOCO shed, etc.

Department of EEE is offering the following Degrees for B.Tech Course

In addition to a Regular/Major B.Tech degree, a student shall be permitted to register for Honors program (or) a Minor Program at the beginning of 4th semester provided that the student must have acquired a minimum of 8.0 SGPA upto the end of 2nd semester without any backlogs.
For regular/Major degree - Students have to obtain 160 credits during the four year B.Tech Course. Additionally, For an Honors degree (or) Minor Degree - Student has to obtain 20 credits.
Honor degree - A degree with 6 advanced subjects (4 subjects - 4 credits each + 2 MOOCS courses - 2 credits each) of the parent department.
Minor degree- A degree in minor specialization groups offered by a department other than their parent department like IT/CSBS/CSE or its allied branches (AI&ML; AI&DS)

Vision, Mission, PEO's & PSO's

Vision of the EEE Department

To be recognized as a Centre of Excellence in the field of Education and Research so as to produce Competent& Ethical Engineers capable enough to contribute to the society.

Mission of the EEE Department

  • To develop innovative, efficient and proficient electrical engineers.
  • To keep the curriculum industry friendly, with due regard to the University curriculum.
  • To be a place for innovative blended learning and entrepreneurship development in multidisciplinary areas.
  • To promote ethical and moral values among the students so as to make them emerge as responsible professionals.

Program Educational Objectives - PEO's

  • To produce Electrical and Electronics Engineering graduates who have strong foundation in Mathematics, Sciences and Basic Engineering
  • To provide intensive training in problem solving, laboratory skills and design skills to use modern engineering tools through higher education and research.
  • Ability to pursue higher studies and to seek employment in a variety of engineering technology positions and worksuccessfully in their chosen career aspirations and generate entrepreneurs.
  • To inculcate in students professional and ethical attitude, effective communication skills, teamwork skills, multidisciplinary approach, and an ability to relate engineering issues to broader social context through life-long learning.

Program Specific Outcomes - PSO's

  • The EEE program must demonstrate knowledge and hands-on competence in the application of electrical and electronics circuits in a rigorous mathematical environment at or above the level of algebra and trigonometry.
  • The EEE program must demonstrate that graduates can apply interdisciplinary project management techniques to electrical and electronics systems.
  • The EEE program must demonstrate that graduates can analyze, design and develop hardware and software for control systems, measurements, power electronics and power systems