Counselling Code : V I T B
Accredited by NAAC 'A+'(3.51 CGPA) & NBA
 Counselling Code : VITB  

Civil Engineering

The Department of Civil Engineering pulls out all stops to create outstanding engineers - with advanced teaching techniques and learning aids for undergraduate students. CIVILENGINEERING DEPARTMENT of the institute started functioning right from the inception of the institute, in the year 2011. Students are not only made experts in technical aspects but also in interpersonal skills, a vital ingredient to excel in the fast-paced world.

Students gain practical experience from field visits to industries, dams and irrigation structures, construction sites, etc. Our teaching-learning process, involves industry experts and adjunct faculties to enhance the student's knowledge and also targets to bridge the gap that exists between academic curriculum and industrial demands. Students are motivated to take up research projects, to carry out regular industrial and field visits, to present papers in academic conferences which will enable them to excel in their selected career.


  • Well qualified and experienced faculty members form the department.
  • Experts from industry are regularly invited to present lectures and to interact with students and faculty.
  • Industry representatives visit the campus to recruit students finishing their degrees.
  • Implement advanced teaching techniques and learning aids for undergraduate students
  • The labs are well equipped with state of the art infrastructure.
  • Site visits at Various reputed irrigation projects such as Polavaram project, Pattiseema project etc.

Workshop on total station:

Department conducted a work shop on total station. Total Station is a combination of an electronic theodolite, an electronic distance meter (EDM) and software running on external computer known as data collector. Knowledge in using Total Station offers careers in various segments where total Station finds application in

Civil Construction Companies

Surveying: Survey and Land records

Disaster Management

Nuclear Reactors

Archaeological Survey

Vision, Mission, PEO's & PSO's

Vision of the CIVIL Department

To provide quality education in civil engineering and develop professionals dedicated to societal growth

Mission of the CIVIL Department

  • To provide students with a strong foundation in civil engineering principles through quality education and hands-on experience.
  • To enable the students to build their leadership, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.
  • To encourage the students towards excellence in research, innovation, and consultancy.
  • To mould students into skilled professionals and entrepreneurs with strong ethical and moral values.

Program Educational Objectives - PEO's

  • Graduates will apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science, and civil engineering principles to solve complex infrastructure and environmental challenges.
  • Graduates will pursue successful careers in civil engineering, engage in lifelong learning, and adapt to evolving technological and societal needs through advanced education and professional development.
  • Graduates will demonstrate strong communication, leadership, and teamwork skills to collaborate effectively in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Graduates will uphold ethical values, sustainable practices, and a sense of social responsibility in addressing civil engineering and community development projects.

Program Specific Outcomes - PSO's

  • An ability to learn constructionconcepts to make the structural planning in a smarter way through internship works in industries.
  • To encourage young energetic engineers in technical and software skills in the field of civil engineering with innovative thoughts along with existing and future trends in constructional field.
  • The capability to integrate knowledge in constructional field work and to improve skills to become an entrepreneur.

Why Civil Engineering ?

Civil engineering is arguably the oldest engineering discipline. It deals with the built environment and can be dated to the first time someone placed a roof over his or her head or laid a tree trunk across a river to make it easier to get across. The built environment encompasses much of what defines modern civilization. Buildings and bridges are often the first constructions that come to mind, as they are the most conspicuous creations of structural engineering, one of civil engineering's major sub-disciplines. Roads, railroads, subway systems, and airports are designed by transportation engineers, another category of civil engineering. And then there are the less visible creations of civil engineers. Every time you open a water faucet, you expect water to come out, without thinking that civil engineers made it possible.