The Department of Computer Science & Engineering is a place to create an ambience in which new ideas and creativity flourish in the teaching fraternity. It was established in the year 2008, with an objective of "Developing efficient and dynamic computer science engineers with academic excellence, effective communication skills, leadership skills, excellent character, and high integrity to serve the interests of the society and nation".
The Department offers B.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering), M.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering) and M.Tech (CSE Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) programs. It has modern facilities for teaching, learning and research. The department is committed to impart quality education and produce highly skilled graduates who are in demand in the IT industry. The faculty and the department has been dedicated towards combining teaching and leading research to provide strong fundamentals in both theoretical and applied computer science, train our students to solve real-world problems, and prepare them for leadership positions in industry, government, and academia.
To build a strong teaching-learning base with a flair for innovation and research that responds to the dynamic needs of the software industry and the society with good ethical practices.
Numerous professional opportunities exist for graduates with computer science degrees, including hardware development, software engineering, Internet systems and technology, game design, computer graphics, animation, robotics, artificial intelligence, security, medicine, biotechnology, business management and consulting, modeling, as well as graduate study in computing related fields.
Computer Science is about problem solving. Thus, the qualities of a good computer scientist include a passion for finding elegant solutions, an ability to use mathematical analysis and logical rigor to evaluate such solutions, creativity in modeling complex problems through the use of abstractions, attention to details and hidden assumptions, an ability to recognize variants of the same problem in different settings, and being able to retarget known efficient solutions to problems in new settings. If you like to solve puzzles, then computer science is for you!
Computer scientists are employed in all sorts of positions in nearly every industry. Computer Science is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical processes (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information, whether such information is encoded in bits and bytes in a computer memory or transcribed in genes and protein structures in a human cell. Students choose to major in computer science for a variety of reasons. Many of our students graduate to rewarding computer-related careers in software engineering, system administration and management, research and development in industrial and governmental laboratories. And, since computer technology has transformed almost all disciplines, many of our graduates use their computer science major (and the analytical skills it instills) to prepare them for a career in other disciplines such as medicine, law, education, physical and life sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Demand for graduates well-versed in computer science is high and is expected to continue to grow as the information age comes of age!